Our tech grade line of high-quality solid and liquid humic acid products have been developed from the highest quality source of humic worldwide. Our tech line can be used for custom blending , manufacturing and supports partners looking to develop their own solutions.
BE-Diatomeas (Diatomaceous Earth) is a natural product made from the skeletons of microscopic algae. The sharp edges of diatomaceous earth act like tiny knives, puncturing the exoskeletons of pests. This makes it an effective and environmentally friendly option for pest control in agriculture. BE-Diatomeas can also be used as a soil amendment. It is rich in minerals like silica, helping to improve plant growth and increase yields. It improves water retention in sandy soils. When coupled with the correct technology, BE-Diatomeas can have a significant beneficial impact on the physical, chemical and biological processes of soil, water, and the growth of crops. The biogeochemical cycle of silica is even more intensive than the Phosphorus or Potassium cycle in the terrestrial ecosystem.
Consult with your Black Earth representative. Read label in its entirety. Not soluble in water. Conduct small-scale trial prior to blending with any feed blend.